科学报告会:Carbon nanotube CMOS technology: towards high performance large scale integrated circuits

来源:jbo竞博电竞官方网站    发布时间 : 2016/12/06      点击量:

报告题目:Carbon nanotube CMOS technology: towards high performance large scale integrated circuits


报告时间:2016年12月9日(周五) 上午9点



The development of even more powerful computer systems are made possible by scaling of CMOS transistors, and this simple process has afforded continuous improvement in both the device switch time and integration density. However, CMOS scaling has become very difficult at the 22-nm node and unlikely to be rewarding beyond the 10-nm node. Among other new approaches, carbon nanotube devices are emerging as the most promising technique with unique properties that are ideal for nanoelectronics. In particular, perfect n-type and p-type contacts are now available for controlled injection of electrons into the conduction band and holes into the valence band of the CNT, paving the way for a doping free fabrication of CNT based ballistic CMOS, high performance optoelectronic devices, and integrated circuits [1-3]. These results will be compared with data projected for Si CMOS toward the end of the roadmap at 2026, as well as with those thermodynamic and quantum limits. Various logical and arithmetical gates, shifts, and d-latch circuits have been demonstrated, and in particular a bus system and a 4-bit adder have been built with high packing density and low power supply [4], paving the way for the final realization of large scale carbon nanotube based integrated circuits.


[1] L.-M. Peng, Z.Y. Zhang and S. Wang, Materials Today 17 (2014) 433

[2] L. Ding et al., Nature Communication Published 14 Feb 2012, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1682; Tian Pei et al., Nano Letters 14 (2014) 3102

[3] S. Wang et al., Nano Letters 11 (2011) 23; L.J. Yang et al., Nature Photonics 5 (2011) 672; H. Xu et al., Nano Letters 14 (2014) 5382

[4] B.Y. Chen et al., Nano Letters (2016) DOI:10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02046


彭练矛北京大学电子学系主任,纳米器件物理与化学教育部重点实验室主任,美国《应用物理杂志》副主编,中国晶体学会和中国真空学会副理事长。1982年于北京大学无线电电子学系本科毕业,1983年通过李政道先生主持的CUSPEA计划赴美, 于亚利桑那州立大学美国高分辨电子显微学中心师从J.M. Cowley教授, 1988年获博士学位。1989年至英国牛津大学, 任M.J. Whelan 教授的研究助手。1990年被选为牛津大学Glasstone Fellow,国际电子显微学会联合会Presidential Scholar。2000年当选为英国物理学会Fellow。

从2001年起先后4次任国家“973”计划项目和国家重大科学研究计划项目首席科学家,国家自然科学基金委员会创新研究群体负责人。主要研究领域为纳电子及功能材料的合成与结构;基于纳米材料的高性能电子、光电子器件的制备,器件物理,碳基集成电路的实现和系统;纳米器件在化学、生物传感及能源方面的应用。迄今在国际学术刊物上发表SCI收录论文300余篇,第一作者专著1部(High-Energy Electron Diffraction and Microscopy, 牛津大学出版社),论文被引用万余次。主持的“亚纳米碳管的稳定性研究”被选为2000年中国高等学校十大科技进展,入选2000年中国基础科学研究十大新闻;“定量电子显微学方法与氧化钛纳米结构研究”项目2010年获得国家自然科学奖二等奖;“实现碳纳米管的高效光伏倍增效应”项目入选2011年度“中国科学十大进展”;“高性能碳基纳米电子器件”项目获2013年度高等学校自然科学奖一等奖。2009年获“全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师”称号;2013年被评为北京大学首届“十佳导师”;2015年荣获第四届首都科技盛典—推动“北京创造”的十大科技人物称号。



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