学术报告:A New Perspective of Scattering Amplitudes

来源:jbo竞博电竞官方网站    发布时间 : 2016/12/20      点击量:

报告题目:A New Perspective of Scattering Amplitudes


报告摘要: Scattering amplitudes are critical physics quantities in high-energy physics and bridge theories and experiments. Modern methods for scattering amplitudes

improve tremendously traditional Feynman methods and provide more efficient ways for computations. Physical properties of the scattering amplitudes are much easier to

investigate through modern methods, furthermore, these properties can provide auxiliary information for amplitude constructions. A new perspective of scattering amplitudes

is treating them as vectors: solving the on-shell gauge invariance, locality and symmetry constraints gives all possible tensor structures that can appear in a scattering

amplitude with fixed field content, and every amplitude must be a vector in the space spanned by these tensor structures. This spanning is applied to both classical and

quantum level amplitudes, while coefficients of tensor structures should be determined respectively.



上一条:科学报告会:Probing Light-Matter Interactions at Nanoscale

下一条:学术报告:Low-dimensional Materials for Optoelectronics and Bioelectronics


