报告简介:Gallium nitride (GaN) is one of the most important wide bandgap semiconductors.It is being usedtodevelop short-wavelength light emitting diodes and laser diodes, as well as being the key material for the next generation high-frequency, high-power and high-temperatureelectron devices. The AlGaN/GaN heterostructure is also regarded to be a prospectivecandidate to develop devices and monolithic integrated circuits for the application in millimeter-wave bandowing to the high saturation velocity and high sheet carrier concentration of the two-dimensional electron gas layer in this material system. In thistalk, the activitieson the development of GaN electron devices in Ao-Laboratory, Tokushima University will be presented, which including: (1) synthesis and application of TiNas Schottky electrodes forGaNelectron devices;(2) the development of GaN Schottky diode and its application in microwave rectificationand wireless power transmission; (3) the development ofenhancement-mode GaNMOSFET on AlGaN/GaN heterostructure.
报告人简介:敖金平博士1989年毕业于jbo竞博电竞官方网站物理系,获理学学士学位,1992年获电子工业部第十三研究所半导体物理与半导体器件物理硕士学位,2000年获吉林大学微电子学与固体电子学博士学位。曾担任电子工业部第十三研究所 GaAs超高速集成电路研究室副主任,高级工程师。2001年赴日本国立德岛大学作博士后研究员,并于2003年11月起加入德岛大学。主要从事基于 GaN基光电子器件和电子器件的研究工作。现任该大学大学院理工学研究部准教授,西安电子科技大学特聘教授。在国际学术期刊和国际会议上发表论文180多篇,拥有多项发明专利。敖博士是国际电气电子工程师协会(IEEE)高级会员,美国电气化学协会(ESC)会员,日本应用物理学(JSAP)会会员以及日本电子情报通信学会(IEICE)会员。