学术报告:Excitation of plasmonic nanoantennas by electron tunneling

来源:jbo竞博电竞官方网站    发布时间 : 2016/03/15      点击量:

报告题目:Excitation of plasmonic nanoantennas by electron tunneling

报 告 人:Prof. Igor Protsenko ( Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow

Advanced Energy Technologies Ltd, Moscow)




The introductory part gives short review of past studies of light emission from plasmonic structures pumped by tunneling electric current including ones carried out in Lebedev Physical Institute in 80-th. Then several suggestions of plasmonic structures with electron tunneling, also with “contactless” electrical excitation, were made. Resent experiments with tunneling structures, obtained by electro-migration, are outlined. The main part of the presentation explains the mechanism of excitation of plasmons by tunneling current, describes our Fermi-golden-rule based simple theoretical model and compares the efficiency of excitation of plasmons at non-resonant and resonant tunneling of electrons. We consider the electron tunneling through quantum well with single energy state. The efficiency of electron-plasmon energy transfer in such structure reaches 1% at de-coherence time 100 fs and the barrier transmission about 1%. This is very high probability respectively to 10-7– 10-6probability at non-resonance tunneling.


Igor Protsenko is graduated department of Theoretical Nuclear Physics of Moscow Engineering and Physics institute (MePhI) in 1984 and got Ph.D in Theoretical quantum electronics in Lebedev Physical Institute (LPhI) in 1989. Since 1984 he is working in Theoretical Radio-physics division of LPhI, now as a senior research scientist. Since 2007 he also leads Laboratory of Theoretical physics and quantum electronics in Advanced Energy Technologies Ltd startup; and carries out several application-directed projects as “Open space quantum cryptography” and “Plasmonic nanolaser array”. He was teaching Theoretical quantum electronics course in MePhi for several years, had post-doc, visiting researcher and professor positions in several universities in Brasil, Italy, France, Ireland and the US. He has more than 100 publications and 24 patents. Igor Protsenko and co-authors theoretically studied noiseless amplification, quantum C-NOT gate, introduced advanced theory of thresholdless laser, predicted new “Explosive absorption” phenomenon, and “Dipole” nano-laser. Current research interests of Igor Protsenko are in the theory of plasmonic nano-scaled lasers and related devices, also with superradiance, photoemission and electro-excitation of plasmons by tunneling current.


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