院庆系列报告:Strongly lensed SNe & plasma lensing

来源:jbo竞博电竞官方网站    发布时间 : 2023/10/24      点击量:

报告题目:Strongly lensed SNe & plasma lensing





The strongly lensed SNe are fairly rare events, but they can provide interesting results, not only for the precise time delay measurement between lensed images, but also constraints to the SNe properties. We simulate the lensed SNe including the microlensing effect.

In the other work, I would like to introduce the ‘plasma lensing’. Besides gravity, the ionized plasma in the universe can deflect the propagation of the light as well. Unlike the gravitational lensing, the plasma lensing has frequency dependence, and only becomes significant at radio bands. Thus the typical sources of the plasma lensing are QSO, pulsars, FRBs, all of which are point-like sources. Thus the magnification and time delay effects are the two interesting properties in plasma lensing. We can see that it will change the dispersion relation and Faraday rotation relation.


Xinzhong Er got his PhD from Bonn University in 2010, and spent 4 years in NAOC, Beijing. After that he worked for Euclid project in Observatory of Roma, INAF. He joined Yunnan University at the end of 2017. His main research interesting is cosmology, in particular using gravitational lensing to study the dark universe. Recently, he also studies the deflections of radio signal by plasma.





